Are you ready to sample some of the world's finest and most interesting beers? Then this 11-day Beer or Bust tour is for you! Visit Munich, Regensburg, Rothenburg, and Stuttgart, four of Germany's most renowned beer areas. No matter your level of beer expertise, this all-inclusive tour will make sure you get to experience some of the very best German brews.
Start off your tour of Germany with a visit to Munich during one of the world's biggest beer festivals--Oktoberfest. It's a fitting introduction to this beer paradise! Along with sampling some of the best beers around, you'll find plenty of food stalls, traditional Bavarian music, and plenty more. From Munich, continue on to Regensburg, one of the oldest towns in Bavaria, and the oldest pub in the world, built in 900 AD! Explore the old city, with its cobbled streets and historical buildings.1
Next is Rothenburg, home to the famous Weihesbräu Brewery. Tour the grounds and sample some of their award-winning beers. Later, you'll visit Stuttgart, the birthplace of German industrial beer. Not only will you get to try some of the best local ales, you'll also get to sample some unique specialities.
This 11-day tour promises a great variety of beers, plenty of sightseeing, and a lot of fun. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned beer aficionado, you'll find plenty of enjoyable activities. From traditional beers to specialty brews, you'll be surrounded with Germany's finest brews throughout the entire journey. So go on, book your beer and bust tour, and enjoy all that Germany has to offer!
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