Are you looking for a uplifting way to restore your physical, psychological, and spiritual wellness? In the serene paradise of Buleleng, Indonesia, Zen Resort's 6 day Zen Ayurveda Rejuvenating Yoga Holiday is the chance to take some time out and treat yourself to relaxing and therapeutic ayurvedic treatments. This unique retreat is designed for those wanting to restore their sense of balance and health, and create a lasting rejuvenation for body and soul.
Experience the benefit of living and participating in yoga practices, meditation, and mindful movement in nature daily. Feel the goodness of organic food, organically grown in Zen Resort’s own farm, free of chemicals and pesticides. Improve your life style by taking part in holistic wellness workshops, such as Yoga Nidra, Pranayama, and breathwork. allowing you to connect to your inner self and cultivate deeper awareness.
During your stay, you will receive a complimentary holistic wellness consultation with a residential Ayurvedic and Naturopathy doctor. He will assess your Dosha constitution, evaluate any ailments you may have, and discuss how to improve your life style and wellbeing. In addition to physical health benefits, guests will benefit from mindfulness and personal development teaching, allowing them to attain a much deeper level of peace and relaxation than initially thought possible.
Do not miss out on the chance to restore your physical, psychological and spiritual wellness and head to Zen Resort in Buleleng, Indonesia to take part in this unique 6-day Zen Ayurveda Rejuvenating Yoga Holiday. Enjoy the profound, restorative effects of the ayurvedic treatments, holistic wellness workshops, and mindfulness practices, and return home refreshed and rejuvenated.
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